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  • Apprentice & Free Student Services

    Support our learners and enjoy a quality cut for a fraction of the usual cost - free where students are available.

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  • Cut & Style - Apprentice

    Following your consultation, you can relax in the knowledge that your barber is an expert in cutting and styling hair. He will create the perfect haircut and style that suits your  lifestyle, image and head shape - as well as recommending specific men’s after care products that will help maintain the style, healthy hair and scalp.

    1 hour, £0.00

  • Dry Head Shave - Apprentice

    Short of time, but still want the barbershop-smooth finish? We will take your hair down with clippers, before shaving closely with foils. Your shaving experience will end with our amazing Post-Shave Gel and your choice of one of our 3 hand-blended, arousing Splash's - or our 2 deadly colognes!

    30 minutes, £0.00

  • One Grade Haircut - Apprentice

    Following an initial consultation, your hair will be cut using clippers set to your chosen length throughout, with taper and finishing touches as standard, as always!

    30 minutes, £0.00

  • Dry Beard Shave - Apprentice

    Short of time, but still want the barbershop-smooth finish? We will take your beard down with clippers, before shaving closely with foils. Your shaving experience will end with our amazing Post-Shave Gel and your choice of one of our 3 hand-blended, arousing Splash's - or our 2 deadly colognes!

    30 minutes, £0.00

  • Fade/Skin Fade - Apprentice

    A fade or skin fade blends your hair down to a zero guard length or to skin - using foils. You choose the height of your fade; low, medium or high; during your constultation with your barber. 

    Optional:  The Dandy Gent Post-Shave Hydrating Gel is applied after the foils to keep your skin protected and soft.

    1 hour 30 minutes, £0.00

  • Beard Trim & Style - Apprentice

    The Dandy Gent is proud to have built a solid reputation for high quality beard care and styling over many years.

    Our expert barbers will define, refine, maintain and style your beard and moustache into a thing of beauty - and with our comprehensive range of beard and moustache grooming products (and sound advice), we will help you to continue their good work at home.

    30 minutes, £0.00

  • Haircut & Beard Trim - Apprentice

    1 hour 30 minutes, £0.00

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